Easy Fixes for 7 Common Interior Painting Mistakes

You researched the best primers and paints, bought all of the recommended supplies, and watched endless tutorials on how to paint the walls in your home. But the end result left much to be desired.
If you are left with some imperfections, don’t fret! With a little repair work, you can have a great looking wall in no time.
Here are some easy fixes for the most common painting mistakes:
Missed or Thin Spots
Maybe you got distracted, or the room was poorly lit. Or perhaps you simply didn’t put enough paint on the roller. Whatever the case, missed or thin spots happen.
Fixing a missed spot is easy! Simply wait until the paint dries, and touch up thin areas with a brush. Be sure to wait until the paint is fully dry. Performing touch-ups on wet paint will result in unsightly brush marks.
Paint Drips
The opposite problem, dripping paint, happens when you use too much paint, or do not spread it well. This results in droplets or drip tracks on your wall.
When the paint has dried, use a fine sandpaper block to remove any drip marks. Retouch with a small brush and a little paint, feathering the edges in order to blend with the surrounding paint.
Paint Bubbles
Paint bubbles occur when paint doesn’t properly adhere to the undercoat because of too much moisture, heat, or a combination of both. This can happen later on down the line, well after the paint has already dried.
To fix bubbling, first identify the underlying issue. You may need to install an exhaust fan to prevent future moisture buildup and bubbling in the future. Afterwards, you can scrape off the bubbles, sand the area smooth, then prime and paint.
Paint on Trim
If you don’t paint your trim, or use a paint guide, chances are you will get some paint on your trim. Ideally, you should have a wet washcloth handy while painting to wipe up mistakes as soon as they happen.
Even the keenest eye can’t catch every mistake. If you do not catch paint on the trim until is is dry, you can sand it away. Wipe off any dust with a wet cloth. After it is completely dry, you can touch up the area with your trim paint.
Tape Lines
You took the time to do the prep work, and taped off your paint area. But when you go to remove your tape, the paint starts peeling off with it!
If this happens, then you waited too long. Ideally, tape should be removed an hour after painting. Too soon, and still wet paint can drip onto the wrong areas. Too dry, and it peels off your paint.
To fix peeled paint, sand the area, clean with a wet cloth, and repaint when dry.
Previous Paint Bleeding
Paint bleeds are common when trying to cover a dark color with a lighter color. Even if you did a layer of primer, it may not have been enough to keep the previous color from showing through.
You will need to apply another layer of primer and repaint. For stubborn colors like dark reds, blues, and blacks, you may need two coats of primer. It may be frustrating, but using the correct amount of primer will keep old paint from coming through, making your desired shade more accurate.
Splatter on Windows
When painting window trim, getting paint on the glass is nearly inevitable. Fortunately, removing it is a cinch! Just wait for the paint to dry, then scrape it off using a razor blade set at an angle. Your windows will look good as new!
Reliable Residential Painting in the Detroit Metro Area
At Armor Tough Coatings, we take the time to carefully and thoroughly prep all work surfaces to ensure pristine results. From set up to clean up, our attention to detail and professionalism will leave you with a great looking space you will love. Call us today to set up your initial consultation!